
Q: I had the below dream after fajar. Please can you provide me with its meaning.

I had a dream that my ex husbands sisters daughter had passed away suddenly and my mum and I go to there house to give our condolences. My mother in law in also there and my ex husbands sister is crying. I wonder in my mind what is going to happen to her has she only had one daughter and is not young enough to have any more children. The conversation turns to my situation where my mum and I say that the divorce they gave was wrong they should have sat down with their son and I to look at the problems instead of telling him to divorce. I feel his sister is listening sympathetically to this now because what has happened to her and I say I know it is not a appropriate time to say this. But she says she will see what she can do now. We then go to leave and go into another room to get my shoes and bag.

A: We should wish well for everybody and not make any situation a point of reference to our difficulties or a means of getting back at someone. Instead we should turn our attention to Allah Ta'ala and forget the difficulty that was caused to us in the past. In this way Allah Ta'ala will brighten our future and bless us with happiness.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
