
Q: My brother, who has a 10 year old son (mother of the child passed away a year ago) got married to a girl, also married 3 times before. The marriage happened within two weeks of them being introduced to each other. Not even a month after the marriage there had been problems between my mother and her, as well as between the child and her. She decided to leave and my brother gave her one talaaq. After several discussions between them, he accepted her back. However, my parents were not happy with his decision and asked him to find a place of their own, and live away from us. A week ago, I dreamt that my family were in Makkah. We were sitting in the haram. Then there was an announcement that a nikaah will take place. The nikaah was my brother's. There was a girl sitting in front of me, who resembled my brother's wife. My mother then voiced her concerns regarding the marriage, and said that she was not happy with this choice of his. The girl who was supposed to be marrying my brother, started arguing with my mother and my mother said a few things back. I could see myself looking at the girls lips moving as in a fight (she did this while she stayed with us). I turned to my side and looked at my brother who was in tears. I then went towards my mother and tearfully said to her, "make sabr mummy, we are sitting in makkah, in fact we are sitting inside the Kabaah, please make sabr". As I said this my mother then looked at them, and said, "its ok, they can do as they wish". My mother walked towards my brother to say something to him, but he just turned his back and walked away from her. We then left for the nikaah. My brother sat in a sports car (he loves sports cars) and said, "I will drive this car now". Just as he drove the car on the road, it crashed and he died. Just as we looked at the body on the floor, my dream ended. Please can I have the interpretation of this dream.

A: The appropriate thing is to consult one's elders in important issues like marriage etc., and avoid acting unilaterally, for this ends up in problems and difficulties.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
