
Q: My eldest brother who was very pious and crippled spent most of his time in the masjid was murdered in Ramaadan while he was in Itikaaf in the musjid last Ramadaan. I dreamt that I was standing in an unknown place and he came running past me, looking very tall and muscular. I ran after him and he ran into a building up a steep flight of stairs. I ran up the stairs but became very tired. I looked behind me and saw an unknown woman running up the stairs. I eventually came to the top of the stairs into a very big room or hall. I saw someone sitting on the floor and there were lots of other people laying under blankets peacefully. To me it looked like they were sleeping or resting. Could Mufti saheb provide an interpretation. I am someone who to tries to follow the Sunnah and make my salaah but I am weak in certain aspects of the Deen.

A: This is a good dream. It indicates towards the high and lofty position that your brother has received in the aakhirat.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
