
Q: Insha Allah, if my two dreams can please be interpreted:

(1) I had this dream on Friday afternoon sometime after Jummuah Salaah: I went to the back door of my house where some relative was present. There was a table right in front of the door, but on the outside in the veranda. On this table, a beautiful white table cloth was set. In this manner, the table blocked the door. From the top of the door, it was snowing onto the table. The snow was very white and was pouring down rapidly like a good, heavy rain - not slowly like snow. It did not resemble normal snow, but instead it was many little balls, each about a centimetre wide. It was a very joyful scene. It was raining around the rest of the house, however, it was only here by this door that it was snowing. Three or four friendly cats were sitting on the table and were eating the snow in a happy manner. Seeing these cats made me very happy. Like my relative, I cupped my hands like how one makes Du'a, and filled it to the brim with this snow. I fed one of the cats in this manner. I was very pleased. I asked the relative and began deeply pondering over how the snow is coming so nicely and beautifully in this manner from the top of the door. The relative replied that there is a beehive above the door and that the honeycombs have become so full with honey on account of the blessing of Allah Ta'ala that when the rain falls into the honeycomb, it has no place to go and instead overflows as snow on account of contact with the honey in the filled up honeycombs. I was unsatisfied about this explanation and continued pondering over a possible reason. I was pondering over this when I took a handful of snow, in the manner of Du'a, and began lifting it up to consume it myself. It looked very healthy and nutritious. Just as it came near my mouth, the dream then ended. I woke up still wondering as to how the snow was coming from the door in this manner.

(2) I dreamt that I was sitting outside Masjid al-Fuqara (in Malabar, Port Elizabeth) with a Qur'an Shareef. I placed my Shahada finger in a container of honey and began to gently rub over the text of the Qur'an Shareef at a certain page. In doing this, the words grow larger in size and become more bold and beautiful. Whereas the honey itself began to look like gold on the page. I thought that this does not look very nice (having the honey on only one page) and I should instead beautify my entire Qur'an Shareef in this manner. I was undecided over this as the dream ended.


1. May Allah Ta'ala bless you with barakah in sustenance.

2. If you are unable to recite the Qur'an Shareef with tajweed and the correct pronunciation, then you should make a concerted effort to improve your recitation. Similarly you should increase your tilaawat of the Qur'an Shareef.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
