Published 10 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
Q: Please advise on the ruling regarding joining of Salaahs when one is a musaafir. Most people join their salaah saying it is permitted as a musafir and better to join than miss it. And in which circumstances will it be permissible to join? If a person joins their Salaah regularly as a musafir will the salaah be valid?
A: Joining two salaah and performing them in one salaah time is impermissible.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
عن ابن عباس : عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال من جمع الصلاتين من غير عذر فقد أتى بابا من أبواب الكبائر (الترمذي رقم 188)
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