Dreaming of animals

Q: I have a lot of dreams of animals. Recently I had a dream where I am in another country and I go into a take away shop with three other men, I can not remember but my thought is that one of the men is my fiancé. (In real life this is not true as I am just recently divorced). He protects me so people think he is my marham. The take away is not very nice it has different types of battered fried fish including cod and prawns and chips but the food is all black and I see some of the cooked prawns moving. Before we order anything a big brown bear comes from the back of the take away, I get scared and run away as I am scared it may attack me. Before this I had a dream where I enter a school assembly and in front of me I see 2 lioness sitting on the seats. The person sitting next to them is stoking them. I fear what if they become violent and I leave the assembly to go home quickly. As I am doing this I hear a rush of people running from the assembly as the lionesses have done exactly what I feared, I think about how to get home but then I run to see if anyone is hurt and to hide. Previous to this I have seen tigers and dogs and lions in my dream. What is the meaning and how can I protect myself if this is bad.

A: Recite the four Quls and Aayatul Kursi after your five daily Salaah and before retiring to bed. Allah Ta'ala will save you from all harm.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
