
Q: Please may I have my dream interpreted as it is very confusing and to be honest makes me a little nervous.

1) I dreamt I was in an unknown house with many people. A family of whom I was familiar with in the dream but not i​n reality. I did not recognise any of them. The house was spacious, clean and white inside. Then from out of nowhere a man wearing a small pointed hat - what seemed to be something out of Arabian nights came in through the window. He had flown in. He had a short brownish beard, fair in complexion and was medium in build. He ran through the house touching or marking everyone and as he did this there was a bright light and the people whom he touched went to sleep and had white clothes on. In the meantime I was worried for my niece (from my husbands side) who was upstairs with her baby. I ran up the stairs came to the room where the baby was and saw how happy and content he / she was - this baby was just glowing. My niece just stood there as so did I. The unknown man reached us, raised his right arm and a beam of light came from him and touched the baby. There was a bright light which covered us all and we too were all wearing white garments. I said "this is wrong you are not allowed to make someone immortal? he replied " IT is DONE" and left. I am confused as I did not feel it was a bad thing but at the same time was a little scared and overwhelmed.

The second part of my dream my children and I were in a car or some kind of vehicle which was floating in the sky. Next minute I was on the ground looking up wondering where it was going. Then I saw myself landing the vehicle and we all got out and went into a school. I did not recognise the school nor the children or teachers. Only my children. We were all laughing and talking and the environment was a happy one. Here I was looking for someone. Not sure if it was my children or a friend? I do not feel that this dream was a bad dream but still feel very nervous. 

A: Be regular with the recitation of the Qur'aan in your home and ensure that you perform namaaz on time and conduct daily ta`leem with zikr. May Allah Ta`ala enshroud the home with barkat and blessings.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
