
Q: I had a dream just before I woke up for fajar salaah. I am with my family (my mother, father, brother and some cousins) and we are walking through a hospital corridor. It is as if we are going to visit my ex husband who has been in hospital since we divorced. I am not keen on visiting and feel nervous on seeing him and his reaction to seeing me. Initially we can not find his name on the patient list but then we find him in the hospital ward. He is in a bed with his blanket covering him and he is just peeking his head out from the left side of the blanket. I do not have any sympathy for him as I think it was him who divorced me on the saying of his family and I gave him plenty of chances to change his mind. My mum lays down on one of the hospital beds and starts to says she is not feeling well, my niece is sitting on a chair and also says she is not feeling well. I get worried about them both thinking I hope they have not caught a bug from the hospital.

A: A Mu'min should be constantly concerned about improving his life and preparing for the hereafter. He should remedy himself of all the spiritual maladies and sicknesses that are within him before he meets Allah Ta'ala.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
