
Q: My teachers wife saw this dream. He wanted to ask the interpretation.

DREAM: I saw a dream that there is a very very pious n famous couple living in a old age village they are so well known that every body respects them a lot. They have clay pots business in their own place where they have a three story old clay house but all the stories are basements like first story is where they have pot business like ground floor second story which is under ground 1st basement where they have tasbeeh, jayenamaz and Islamic stuff to sell and third story which is 2nd basement is empty but the owner couple want to be buried after death. Our kids were not in there I saw only my husband with me. So we were at the 1st basement where there were Islamic stuff and we are talking and walking in different lines and suddenly people started to say Hazrat jibreel (Alayhis Salaam) is about to come. We were so amazed. I was expecting like a huge height and built personality person will come but very reasonable with small beard person appears and he started to come toward us. Mean-while I was thinking different things back of my mind like how he delivers wahi and stuff. My Husband shook his hand and he said something about my hairs which is like I should have black hairs. (Currently I'm used to wear hijab on my head in real) we and him both were in good feeling like he was not angry or rude. He was with a little smile on his face and we were also so happy and thankful to meet him. Kindly tell me the meaning of this dream.

A: You should exercise caution with regard to the type of literature you come across. Similarly you should refrain from doubtful things e.g. cellphone, internet, TV, magazines, novels, etc. These things shape a person's mind and behaviour and have a negative effect upon one's Deen. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
