
Q: I had a dream before I woke up for fajar. In the first part I see myself in a black abaya and a black bandana type scarf covering my hair. I am at some family friends house (in real life we are not very close with them and have not seen them for years). I am then with my family including my grandad (who passed away some years ago) he is looking well and as I remember him when he was alive. We are walking through a underground tunnel towards a shopping mall. We worry that the walk for my grandad to the shops might be long for him so me and my dad help him he keeps on saying he is ok but at one point he gets a little out of breath but he is smiling so I say to him it's ok I will wait and we can take it slowly. We get to the shopping mall and one of my aunts (in real like she is very ill and can not walk that much unaided) she is walking normally and says she needs to do some of her own chores and she will see us later. After some time I see my aunt it is as if she has done her shopping. So I call her to say we are here, she joins us again. We are walking through the home showroom and with us is my aunts husband and aunts grandson who died a few years ago, after a while the grandson disappears and I am walking through the shops with my aunt and uncle we are having fun, laugh and joking.

A: Recite some portion of the Qur'an or give some sadaqah and convey the reward to your marhoom grandfather.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
