
Q: There is a girl I like and we are both compatible on many levels. We both really want to move on and get married. We both did an istekhara and here is what we saw. "I saw that we were both in front of the Ka'ba and in a separate dream the same night I saw my self telling her my istekhara was positive and I saw us getting married. To this she said her's was positive too. Following this I asked her what she was wearing in her dream at our marriage and she said red to this I said in my dream I saw her in green." "She saw us both in kitchen cooking together and in a separate dream the same night saw herself looking for a shirt in a shop not finding it." Can you please help us understand our dreams and if they are positive for us and if we should move on with each other.

A: In Islam it is totally impermissible for a boy to be in contact with a na mahram girl. Stop all communication and beg Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness and promise Him that you will never repeat this. If you wish to get married to the girl, then you should contact the girls parents and send a proposal.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
