
Q: I have seen one dream repeatedly in my life. I saw that my teeth from my lower jaw are broken up one by one. I am not in pain, no blood is coming out. Only they are de attaching from the jaw and as they are de attaching I am feeling more worried. All broken teeth remain inside my mouth and I feel a saltish taste. When I wake up from the dream I consciously check my teeth if they are intact. So they are there Alhumdulillah, but I still can feel the saltish taste. I have seen this dream many times in my life after various intervals. Intervals are years. Now I am conscious that what is it indicating? I should seek spiritual help.

A: Be kind towards your relatives and assist them in their difficulties.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
