
Q: A while back Mufti Saheb interpreted the following dream to mean that Allah will bless me with a pious spouse. I saw a dream in which I was sitting in a bathtub in a house and I think I was shaving my pubic hair but I am not sure. I was married but did not see my wife yet. My Grandmother then said Everyone please leave so I can go to my wife. They left and I went into the bedroom (I was fully dressed now), opened the cupboard, took out a topi and put it on my head. Just then, my wife in the dream who I just got married to came in. Her upper front teeth were really big and extremely white. I looked at her shoulder and said to myself "I think she is an Arab" or "She looks like an Arab", I am not sure which of the two statements I said. Then I asked her a few questions (Her upper front teeth were now looking normal). I asked her how she would treat her husband. I can't remember what she said, but I liked her answer and it made me very happy. I then asked "Are you an Aalima?" and she said "No". Just then "Allah" was being written in Arabic on the wall next to her, but there was nobody writing it. 1) Does it mean that she will be an Arab woman as mentioned in the dream? I need to know so that when I go see women for marriage I will look for an Arab Woman only. 2) If not, then what does her being an Arab or looking like an Arab mean?

A: It is a good dream. the dream means that Allah Ta'ala will bless you with a pious and suitable wife.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
