
Q: I saw a dream that I was standing either on the sea shore or river bank. I am not sure. The water was very calm and did not have big waves. On the shore there was a white bird with a bit of black on it's neck. It was sitting on a big white egg that was about the same size as the bird itself. At a distance there was another bird that was full white and did not have an egg. I looked at the bird sitting on the egg and said "Allah will give me Jannat in this world and the Jannat in the Aakhirat will be even better". 1) Is this a true dream and what does it mean? 2) In reality I am experiencing a lot off hardship in life, is this a glad tiding that Allah Ta'ala will grant me ease later in life? 3)What do the bird and egg represent?

A: The meaning of the dream is that in this world there will be rank differences. However if we are pleased with out lot and turn to Allah Ta'ala in all situations, he will open up a way for us and bless us.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
