
Q: Insha-Allah, if my following dream can please be interpreted: There was a very long and dangerous brown snake moving about in front of our house. I was not very alarmed and casually informed my mother. I went to my room and performed Zohr Salaah. I came out the room and realized my father had killed the snake. I was surprised as I heard no commotion or gunshots. I went into the kitchen where the snake was sprawled dead on the table. My parents were present. The snake very thick and large. Maybe around 30 cm. My father firstly chopped off the head to dispose, and then began cutting the rest of the snake up into large pieces as one would do with meat. It was a slightly bloody scene. He said that it was for our own consumption and for feeding his dogs. I cautioned him saying that I think this is carrion and thus impermissible to eat as he shot the snake with his gun. My mother addressed a similar concern. Thereafter, I repeatedly stated that I think it is carrion. Lastly, I added that I think eating this snake may be permissible in the Maliki Madhab, but not for us. The dream then ended.

A: The meaning of the dream is that Allah Ta'ala will protect you and your family from all harm. However the need is that we lead our lives in accordance to His pleasure and do not displease Him at any time. We should treat people with kindness and overlook their weaknesses even though they do not treat us with kindness.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
