
Q: My email is with regards to Isthikaarah Salaah and the interpretation from the dream that I did have. I am reading to find out if the guy that I am interested in is the same guy I will marry. I have read isthikaarah four times before and each time I had a positive response. Last week Wednesday, I began reading again. I performed wudhu and read two rakaats nafl with Surah Kafiruun and Ikhlas respectively. I then recited the dua, remembering to send salaam to Prophet Mohammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Each time I would come by the Hadal amr section I would mention the matter by name. I would then go to sleep without talking to anyone. It has been 5 nights, and last night I performed my isthikaarah and thereafter my mother spoke to me to which I didn’t respond. I did have a dream last night and the dream was as: I was getting married to this guy, well it was the day of the wedding. Throughout the dream I didn’t know if he was going to attend the Nikah or not. While waiting for him at the time of the Nikah he didn’t end up coming. I was then standing outside by his window and when everyone was congratulating me I was crying saying he is not going to marry me. I didn’t see his face, but I did see or feel that he looked at me through his phone and he wanted to marry me but he couldn’t because he had to choose between marrying me and his family and him not attending the nikah meant that he chose his family. I didn’t see any colours nor did I see his face but jee I was crying and I was wearing a black cloak for my nikah. This morning I woke up and I have been crying since or trying to hold my tears back, and then a friend at work recommended having it interpreted. I would appreciate any help with this matter and would be most grateful for it. Please can you help me get a clearer understanding of it before I make the final decision to walk away.

A: If you find the character, ways, habits, deeni values, etc. of the boy who you are interested in to be acceptable and your family elders are also happy with him and all of you are positive in this regards then you may go ahead. Consult your elders as well.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
