Error message

  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_second in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 506 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 506 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_second in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_second in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).

Paying double for working on public holidays

Q: My employer says that paying double for working on public holidays is against Shariah. Please advise if this is correct?

Husband claiming that he issued three talaaqs

Q: My husband gave me in my marriage of 13 years two talaaqs. But now he's claiming that he gave three and he says that is the reason why he is so lost and want to stay out so late. I'm confused. please advise.

Selling easter eggs

Q: I am selling easter eggs for my mother for the whole week. Now that I bought my own to sell for myself, my husband don't want me to sell it because he say it's haraam. Is this true?

Performing the fardh of fajr only due to time constraints

Q: Sometimes when I wake up for fajr, I wake up a little late and the time of fajr is nearly on its end. So in that circumstance can I pray only fardh? Because if I pray Sunnah, then to complete my fardh I have to rush my prayer.

Smoking weed

Q: My question is, is smoking weed permiable in Islam? Does smoking weed break tahaarat? After smoking weed can we offer salaah the next day?

Trying to clear one's name

Q: I have something that has been troubling me. My husband told me he had a male call him in a private number accusing him of having an affair with this man's wife then he goes on to tell that, that man then tells that I am having something to do with him which highly got me angry which I know is a lie. I phoned a service provider enquiring if I can trace a private call so I can prove my innocence I asked my husband to take me to police station to open up a case against that private call but he refused to take me he said he will sort it out but he doesn't want to take me. Then my husband tells me that the station police told him that they can only see the area which person is calling from but not the actual person which I believe is a lie because all sim cards are registered. Customer care told they can trace a private call but my husband is adamant that it can't be done and private call is only coming when he is not at home. So I don't know if my husband is trying to defame me or trying to accuse me of something and it is really disturbing me a lot and causing discomfort. Please advise me I don't want to leave any stones unturned I want to get to the bottom of the truth.

Parents refusing to let the boy come to see the girl due to his cast

Q: There is a family who want to come to my parents to ask for a marriage proposal for their son and me. I appreciate their son and I agree for their proposal. But my parents don't let them come. They don't want to even hear about their proposal because of their cast. We are Pakistani. We are from the upper cast and their are from the lower one. My parents don't know the guy nor his family but they are not even ready to meet them. They told me that they prefer keeping me unmarried than marry me to this guy because of cast, because of the dunya. They told me that what would they say to the people if I marry that guy. Is their reaction right in Islam? If the guy agrees for the marriage and I agree too, if both of us are happy with this marriage, is it right for my parents to stop the marriage, to not let it happen? I am 26 and the guy's family want to come since 2014, it has been 2 years that my parents refuse and delay my marriage whereas the guy is religious. Please can you help me and reply to my questions about it.

Story of Laila bint Ajmaa

Q: My question is, is there any story in the history of Islam about laila bint ajmaa that she swore that if her slave don't divorce his wife then she will be yahoodi or esayi and her wealth will be free for Allah and all her slaves will be free. After this she went to Umme Aaisha and asked her about this. Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) replied that do kaffara of yamin and then she went to Ibn Umar and he also reprimanded her that fear Allah and do kaffara of yamin. Is this story valid or saheeh or hassan or daeef?


The reward of performing good deeds in the Haram Shareef

Q: The reward of performing good deeds in the Haram Shareef increase to 100 thousand. Is this specific to the Masajid-e-Haram Shareef only or does one get the reward of 100 thousand by doing good deeds any where in the boundary of the Haram in the whole of Makkah?

Husband denying issuing three talaaqs

Q: My husband has divorced me many times in breaks of months in private only in fulll words two times and once ke tujhe talaaq pe talaaq. Third time he said ke jaa tujhe teesri talaq. But he didn't have any knowledge at that time that through uttering in such a way, talaaq happens and he had no intentions also. Now he is denying every talaaq and saying that I just gave once talaq and all muftis here in India are taking his side saying that aadmi ki gawai maani jayenge if I don't have any proof and witness. He is ready to take Quran oath and do Tajdeed-e-nikaah with me. What should I do as I am really confused because some are saying that he is still your husband and some are saying that your talaaq is valid and you take khula from him. What is the real Islamic way if the husband gives talaaq and later denies it by lying? If I go with him, will I be committing zina? Please help me. Is my talaaq valid? What should I do?
