Reciting Aameen softly

Q: Within the Hanafi Madhab, is the issue of a soft or a loud aameen in Jamaat Salaah a valid difference of opinion? I am asking this as more and more Hanafis are reciting aameen loudly, hence, I am unsure whether or not to try to correct people.

Leaving the home during iddat

Q: I have this question regarding my auntie (dad's sister) her husband passed away two weeks ago and now she is in her own at home. She has children but they are in their own homes and she is worried about her iddat because she said I am now alone. I need to go out for shopping etc and she feels bored at home because no one can be around her at all times. She is over 70 years of age and she said please ask a scholar for advise that what can I do in this situation. It's really hard for me to stay at home all the time. Please could you help? Jazak Allah

The name "Zeenah"

Q: Please let me know whether the name 'Zaynah' (letters zay-ya-nun-ha ) for a girl is a good Islamic Muslim Arabic name with a good meaning. Please provide me with the meaning. Also, please share with me other good names beginning with the letter 'Z' for a baby girl. Jazakallahu khayr. Thank you so much.


Q: A person started bleeding after zuhr time set in but before he read zuhr and it continued right till the next day. Regarding zuhr and asr, he waited right till the end of the time and read both salaah while bleeding. He thus became a ma'zoor only at maghrib time. Does he have to repeat the zuhr and asr salaah?