Correcting the Imaam

Q: Please can you advise what should the followers do if an Imam

1. Reads an extra rakaat in salaah and they are aware of this?

2. Should they correct him (if so please advise how) or remain silent?

3. does the namaaz have to be repeated?

4. Misses a ruku or sajdah?


Q: I am living abroad and I want to save myself from zina. Can I marry for a month?  My partner is also ready.


Q: A lady passed away and her family remained as follows: A mother, 6 siblings, a husband, a son from her previous marriage - her husband also had two sons from his previous marriage - however the lady and her husband did not have any of their own children. How will her estate be distributed?


Q: We got no children and I want to make a will. How would I distribute my wealth among my wife mother sister and 2 brothers and their children?

Turning to Allah Ta'ala and being positive

Q: I am 28 years old and married. I am a software engineer. I face problems while involving in social daily life activities and feel my self unable to learn and perform even simple tasks of life. In practical life I feel that I am unable to do things. Please guide me according to Islam. And I hesitate to involve in daily life activities as I fear people will discourage (make joke of) me.