Janaaza Salaah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: When some molvis refer to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) performing the Janazah Salah on Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), what do they mean and why would they narrate this narration to their audience? Isn't this blatant kufr and shirk? La howla wala quwwata illa billah, why would Allah need to perform an act of worship and who would Allah render this act of worship to (aliyazbuillah when the Sovereign of all creation is only Allah)?

Adjusting the zakaat rate


a) Do you agree with those scholars that say that an adjusted rate of Zakaat i.e. 2.577 % should be used when the figures used to calculate ones zakaat are obtained from financial information that are released on an annual basis (solar calendar) example Annual Financial Statements of multinational companies.

b) If Mufti saheb does not agree with the above, what alternative does he suggest to calculate zakaat in the absence of any other financial information?

Upon whom is qurbaani compulsory?

Q: I have two questions I need to ask. I was talking to my husband yesterday about Qurbaani and we had a disagreement. He told me that Qurbaani is not farz, and my belief is that Qurbani is fardh if you are working and have a steady income. Can you please clarify that for me. Also another question is about zakaat. My husband told me that we already give zakaat in the form of tax, so we don't have to give it anymore, but my questions is about the savings and all the saving plans that we have and the money that lies there, isn't it farz to give zakat on that? Please let me know. I would appreciate it very much.