Mazi on one's clothing

Q: There were very small tiny spots of madhi on my undergarments (very much smaller than the excusable diameter) and when I make istinja the front organ is wet and touched the area but nothing got onto me so as the impurity was of excusable amount can I regard myself as pure even after the wetness from my body touched that area?

Making a mistake in the tasbeeh of ruku' or sajdah

Q: In salah if I make a pronounciation mistake in sajda or ruku while reciting the tasbeeh first time or second time and if I correct it in the third time, will the salaah be still valid or the moment I make a mistake in sajda or ruku the salah becomes invalid. If the mistake happens in sajda or ruku, if I correct it the total tasbeeh becomes 4 times and in other sajdas it will only be 3 times. Does this difference effect the validity of salah and how to correct myself when I make mistake in sajda.

Attending stage plays at school

Q: It is part of the school system in South Africa that students go for stage plays. Is it permissible for Muslim students to go for such events? Our school is a Muslim school yet the students go for these stage plays. I did not go for the play as I was told by an Aalim that it is not permissible. I would like you to write a very detailed reply why is is impermissible so I can present it to the head of our school.


Q: My father in law has four children two daughters and two sons. His eldest daughter died leaving behind three children, two daughters and one son. Her children are all married now. My mother in law is alive. He wants to know do the children of her deceased daughter inherit their mothers share in inheritance. He is survived by his wife two married sons and one married daughter. How will his property be distributed to his wife and children according to Shariah after his death.


Q: A sister is the only sibling left as her mother and father had passed away. All her 3 brothers and 4 sisters have passed on also. All her 7 siblings (brother and sisters) have children consisting of boys and girls . They are 10 " cousins". Her father married a second wife who also has 2 boys and 3 girls. The sister is 70 years old and wants to know who will inherit from her? She has no husband and no children. As she has only left the children of her brothers and sisters born of her mother's womb - first wife children's children. Are they the ones that will inherit? Will the 2 boys and 3 girls of the second wife inherit as they are also deemed her siblings (her brothers and her sisters) as they have the same father. They are all alive - all 5. Will they inherit? Please advise.

In short:

Wife 1  and all other children deceased- only this sister alive.

AND her siblings children is left and alive.

Wife 2 - 2 boys and 3 girls alive.

Not getting married to the girl one was involved with

Q: Its regarding marriage. I had a girlfriend (we didn't do the unlawful thing together) and we were set to get married the halal way with both of our families involved. Now, 5-6 months before marriage, the girl started to say lie statement to me about her family's opinion about our marriage. (WaAllah I believe her decency and she was and is not involved in any ill act with someone else). She did one big mistake, she faked below things.

1. Her family doesn't consider me (her to be husband) as a good match.

2. The boy isn't financially well settled.

3. Her family is interested in getting married to someone else who is more better in wealth and better in family.

4. Created an imaginary person with whom her family wants her to get married.

I trusted her and assumed that all she said is correct (she said all this to me in a long period, not suddenly and hence i believed her) I was so frustrated that I told her that I no longer am interested to get married to you, you can marry the person your family wants you to get married with. She accepted that its her fault that she lied. She cried a lot and said sorry, in front of everyone from her family and my family. But I was so frustrated with this drama that I could no longer believe her and I said, "Sorry, I cant marry you". All this was around 2 years back. Now with the help of Allah I decided to move on and looking forward to marry someone else (not decided to whom, but just looking) Now, the ex-girl says me that she is still waiting for me and wants to get married to me only. Please suggest me what should I do here? Will it be a zulm from my side on her if i don't get married to her? I tried to tell her that she should get married to someone else but she insists and says she loves me. I'm not getting what to do. I want to get married to someone else, but not sure if it would be correct to leave ex-girl?

Premarital relationships

Q: I have been in a relationship for almost 7 years and we have been discussing marriage. Our only problem is that my family has yet to accept him or our relationship because of his education level. By all accounts, he is a good and religious man. He has help guide me to be a better muslimah and he is kind hearted, generous and loving. How do I get my family to look past his one flaw to see all his other strengths? He might not have a high education but he's hardworking and has accomplished so much in his career despite his education level. He is the one I want to get married to. I just don't know how to get my family to accept him and see him for the wonderful man he truly is.