Error message

  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_second in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 506 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 506 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_second in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_grid_info() (line 504 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_first in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Undefined index: sidebar_second in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in fusion_core_preprocess_page() (line 197 of /home/muftionline/public_html/sites/all/themes/fusion/fusion_core/template.php).

Paying off debts before going for Hajj

Q: I have a car loan with 0% interest and 20% paid as down payment. The rest 80% value of the car shall be paid within two years as installment. Otherwise the car will be taken by the Bank. So I need to know whether I can go for Hajj this year without closing this loan by handing over the responsibility to my brother and leaving the car with him to return to the bank in case I am not able to repay due to death.

Web designing and web hosting

Q: Is Web Hosting, Web Design and Devlopment service permissible? Is it permisible to desgin and devlop news media websites where they will put all
news stories and pictures?

Stray thoughts and waswasas

Q: How can I get rid out of different type waswasas. It really disturbs me, so please give me any dua and how can I protect my self from this?


Da'wah to non-Muslims

Q: I don't know everything about Islam but it is my duty to forward the little knowledge about Islam that I have. So I want to ask how to give dawah to a non Muslim. Should we start with inviting them to Islam or start a conversation and invite them later on?

Peeling a banana

Q: Is there a sunnah way of eating/peeling a banana? If yes, please send the hadith along with the answers.

Conversation between Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Jibraeel (Alayhis Salaam)

Q: Please send the conversation between the Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Jibraeel (Alayhis Salaam) where the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) asks jibrael (Alayhis Salaam) about his age.

Family problems

Q: My question is about my father. He is totally on a wrong path. I mean few years back he was a very nice man. He had a fear of Allah and Masha Allah he saw the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) two times in his dream (ziyarat). He always used to pray juma prayer, and tazbihaat, and Quran. But now since the last two years he doesn't even go for Eid prayer. All the time he is busy in watching television and his language has become extremely abusive. No roza, no namaaz, nothing. He knows everything but does not want to do anything. Now when my mom or me are praying in front of him, he doesn't even decrease the volume of the TV. He is totally lost and he doesn't love my mother at all. Please tell me some dua by which he can become a namazi and a loving and caring husband. Actually he had an affair with one of my aunts. A very close relative of mine, my Mumani that is my mothers real brothers wife and my mom came to know about the affair after 14 years. Then when she came to know about the affair, my father apologised to my mom and broke whatever relation he had with that woman. But now he has left that, but when he is at home he doesn't care about anyone. It looks as if he is always in tension. Lost in his own world watchng TV with very high volume, or using a laptop for long hours. He doesn't talk much to his children or wife. My parents are married for 30 years. Please give some solutions. Me and mother are extremely worried about him.


Applying itr and combing the hair before Salaah

Q: Before going to the Masjid for salaah or when performing Nafl Salaah at home, I aply Itr, comb my hair, apply some olive oil to my beard, use the Miswaak, and ensure that my kurta is clean. What intention should I make before doing these actions?

Reciting the dua before entering the toilet

Q: In a public bathroom, like one in a Masjid, should one recite the relevant Masnoon duaa before entering the individual toilet stall or before entering the general bathroom area?


The importance of Jumuah Salaah

Q: There are students who cannot attend jumuah Salaah with the masses on normal time. Is it better to arrange jummah Salaah for them a bit later after school classes or they should be encouraged just to perform zuhr Salaah?
