Doubts in Salaah

Q: Today at zuhr I had experienced a lot of doubts in the prayer and here is the list:

1. Weak doubt happened after sujood about back being straight in 1st rak'ah.

2. Whether accidentally extending the meem in Sami Allaahu liman hamidah, unsure.

3. In my 3rd rak'ah I stood straight up from sujood, and then doubted whether I made two sujood or not, as I was already standing I didn't go back and I could only be firm in that I definitely made 1 sujood but doubtful about 2nd and as 2 sujood is one of the essentials for a valid rak'ah I made full Tashahhud in my 4th rak'ah and stood up to let that 4th rak'ah take the place of the third in which I doubted the two sujood.

4. In the replacement rak'ah I doubted saying Rabbi instead of Rabbil Aalameen, but it's a very weak doubt.

5. During the sujood I then rose and again doubted whether I did 1 or 2 sujood, I think after beginning Tashahhud or maybe before. It seems like a pressure doubt, as. I don't want my salaah to be invalid. Anyway I recall having Rabbighfirlee in my mind and this just leads me to thinking its probably a doubt, "but what if its not?" 

Then during this with my wandering thoughts, after the Shahadah I said something starting with ashhadu and ending in Qadeer, but before that I already said the Shahadah so I repeated it mistakenly, even though I said something different.

Then said salaams and did two sujood out of forgetfulness and even in here I  doubted about saying the full durood.

What should I do? I have regular doubts affecting me in prayer and Wudoo'. Do I repeat the prayer?

Religion and marriage

Q: An argument I hear of Atheists and non muslims is that religion and Islam also say that sexual pleasure is only allowed within the bonds of marriage, however the rebuttle that they mention is that marriage existed before religion came. What is the answer for this question?

Zakaat on land that was purchased with the intention of resale

Q: I am living abroad and my question is that I purchased two plots and decided that I will construct a house on one plot and and sell the second plot to utilize that amount for construction, guide me about the zakaat on those two plots. Secondly I have booked one house two month ago for four year installments and possession will be after installment. Guide me about the zakat on that house.

Performing Salaah behind an Imaam that trims his beard

Q: I was travelling through a certain town two Fridays ago and the Aalim that performed the Jummah Bayaan, Khutbah and Namaaz clearly had a shortened and trimmed beard. I enquired from the local people who informed me that he is an Aalim. They also informed me that the trustees and imaam are all aware of this and have done nothing about it. I was a traveller and wanted to find out what will be the status of my Salaah?

Doubting if one broke his wudhu

Q: I was doing wudu, I stopped because I felt the need to break wind, so I did that and sometimes when standing, it can feel like it is between the thighs, so I squatted briefly to expel trapped wind. Started doing wudu again and somewhere in it, I felt a bubble, not sure what it was though and I don't think it came out of me, I think it was from my thighs and I don't think I heard or smelt anything, just had the feeling of a bubble escaping from my thighs. I just ignored it and prayed. I had doubts about it but it was maghrib so I convinced myself I was in wudu and prayed, but now I don't know.

Lawyer preparing divorce papers

Q: I have signed on a piece of blank paper and gave this paper to my legal advocate as he required this paper for some legal actions against my wife as she was filling some false cases in the court. When I was out of town my advocate prepared a divorce deed on the blank paper signed by me to counter the false cases initiated by my wife against me. This divorce letter was sent to my wife a month ago and now my wife wants to settle the issues between us and wants to return to me as my wife. Please advice if this divorce can be revocable or not? Pleaase note that I never had any intention of divorcing her. Also I never said verbal talaaq word in front of her. Please I need your advice urgently as already one month and 15 days have passed from the date that letter was sent to my wife who is residing with her parents in a different city.