Viewing pictures of animate objects

Q: Whilst the impermissibility of picture-making is known, whether it be digital or not, what is the ruling on looking at such pictures which are not of a haraam nature, for example looking at the picture of a man or a dog, etc. Many a times a person doesn't create pictures himself, but e-mails, etc are forwarded to him with pictures, if he looks at it, is it Haraam/Makrooh/Khilaaf-e-Awlaa or nothing wrong with looking?

Dua after Salaah

Q: I want to ask some questions regarding prayers after namaz:

  1. Is there any proof that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) did dua with raising hands right after the Faraz Namaz individually? If yes then please tell some reference
  2. Is there any proof that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) did dua with raising hands right after the Faraz Namaz along with Sabahas Collectively? if yes then please tell some reference
  3. Is there any proof that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) did dua with raising hands right after the Faraz Namaz  along with Sabahas Collectively and Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) did dua loudly and sahabas said ameen only as usualy we follow this practise in hanafis mosques these days? if yes then please tell some reference 

Performing Esha Salaah before it's time

Q: Recently board of imam in Melbourne- Victoria has decided to pray salatul isha before the due time on the basis of convenience for musallis. Not all mosques are doing this. As far as I know two of my neighborhood mosques have started this practice. Like in my closest mosque, Imam saheb has started to pray Salatul Isha on 10:15 PM whereas according to calendar due time for Salatul Isha is 10:33 PM. We pray Salatul Fajar at 4:45 AM. I believe board of IMAMs has decided solely on the basis of convenience so that musallis can have good rest and can come to Fajar prayer in the morning as the night is short during summer times.

As a hanafi follower if I pray with the Jamat at the earlier time, would my salat be acceptable? If not should I stop going to the mosque and pray at home/garage or go to another place to pray?

Women participating in Janazah Salaah

Q: Recently in Fort Wayne Indiana during the Salatul Janaza of a brother the woman wanted to pray along but the Imam who is Hanfai and another Shiekah who is Maliki told them that the sisters do not need to pray the Janaza and its for men only. I'm form Pakistan and this what I saw all my life that only men did the Janaza.

Please give the correct ruling on this issue.

Time of Asr Salaah

Q: A book stated:

We find that many books on salat state the ending time of the Zuhr prayer and the starting time of the Asr prayer when the shadow of something is twice itself especially the books which are written by the followers of the Hanafi school of thought.

But this contradicts the above hadith as on the first day Jibreel asked Prophet Muhammad (s) to pray Asr when the shadow of everything was equal to itself. This means that was the end time of Zuhr prayer. And we already know that all the ulamas of the Muslim Ummah agree unanimously that no prayer can be offered before its time.

Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahmatullah Alai) is reported to have changed his opinion before he passed away, and prayed his Asr prayer according to the time stated in this hadith. His two students, Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad, used to give Fatwas for the time of Asr prayer according to this hadith, too.

(Fatawa Azeeziah, Fatawa Rasheediah)

Laughing in salaah

Q: If some one laughs in salaah in a voice thats not audible (whispering voice) and is praying alone will wuzu break if it was loud enough for some one else to here but the voice isnt audible will wudhu break?