How much water must a swimming pool contain in order for it to be considered paak if najaasat falls in?


  1. How much water must a swimming pool contain in order for it to be considered paak if najaasat falls in. Should one measure according to  5m x 5m x 5m ie. according to volume?
  2. Will chlorine and other chemicals purify the water and thus render it paak or not?
  3. If clothes are washed in a washing machine, must the clothes be washed in 3 cycles of a rinse and spin?

Performing waajib qurbaani on behalf of someone else without their permission

Q: A son makes qurbani for his mother living abroad. That night he phones his mother and informs her that he has made quarbani for her. The mother is delighted, expresses gratitude and thanks the son profusely. Is the qurbani valid or was it necessary to have first obtained the mother’s prior consent?

Wife claiming that the husband has pronounced the third talaaq whilst the husband claims that he has not

Q: There is a couple known to me who have a peculiar situation. The wife claims that the man has pronounced the third talaq and the husband claims that he has not. There were no witnesses. Both are prepared to take oath on the subject. Is the talaaq then valid? The woman has moved to her fathers home and refuses to accept that there was no talaq. Any light on the subject will be helpful.

I received the following on BBM

Q: I got this on bbm:

One day, Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) saw a bee and asked it how honey is made. The bee replied that they go out to gardens and collect pollen and nectar from the flowers in their mouths, and then fly back to the hive and release it, and that makes honey.

Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then said to the bee, “But the nectars have different tastes… some are bitter and others can be sour. But how do these become sweet?”

The bee replied, “Allah has taught us to recite ṣalawaat upon you after we collect the nectar, until we reach our hive. The sweetness of the honey is the blessing of the ṣalawaat we recite upon you that turns something so bitter into such sweetness.” That's the greatness of our Beloved Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)