The Hadith of missing salaah

Q: I saw the following two hadith:

Our Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa-Sallam) said: "Do not forgo Salaah intentionally, lest you should get out of the fold of Islam. Do not perpetrate disobedience to Allah, lest you deserve His Wrath."

Rasulullah (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam) also said: "The dividing line between kufr and Imaan is Salaah." And : "A person who has missed one Salaah is like one who has lost all his family and wealth."

  1. A person who misses salaah in its time but reads it later does he lose his imaan?
  2. Is he still a muslim?

Misplacing Zakaat money

Q: A friend of ours gave us his zakat money to send it to his other friend was in another country to distribute it there. When we contacted that foreign friend he said he doesn't know anyone so pls don't send me the money. The zakat giver had told us we can give to anyone else deserving. When we found someone suitable we realised we lost the money. We tried very hard to find it. It could be stolen. But we are not sure. What should we do. If we tell him he might get upset. Can we pay his zakat without telling him? Do we have to pay for him?

Misprounincing the letter ذ as ز , ظ or the letter ث as س , ص ?

Q: What about specifically misprounincing the letter ذ as ز , ظ or the letter ث as س , ص ? For non-arabs the letters ذ , ظ , and ث are quote difficult to pronounce since these letters are prounounced with a lisp i.e bringing the tongue between the upper and lower teeth when pronouncing it. So the non-arabs because they are not used to the lisp sound read the same representative lettersound without the lisp. In such case is the salaah invalid either intentionally or unintentionally?

Leaving out a Waajib in Salaah

Q: A salaah in which a wajib was left out, it is wajib to repeats within its time. But what if the time is over, is it still wajib to repeat it. Also such prayer can it be prayed at any time like after few days or is the order to pray it befor the next prayer obligatory? Do all makruh tahrimi acts, like omitting wajib, prayed with pictures on the cloth or towards a picture make it wajib to repeat the salaah? Or is it in some cases only sunnah or mustahab to repeat it?