إنحراف عن القبلة في الصلاة

س: في أحد المواقع الديوبندية قرأت هذا:

A divergence of up to 45 degrees to the left or right of the true direction of the Qiblah is overlooked.  If one performed Salā hh facing beyond 45 degrees from the true direction of the Qiblah, then that salāh will be invalid.

و استند الشيخ فراز بن آدم المحمودي (تلميذ إبراهيم ديسائي) في هذا الفتوى إلى : (الدر المختار من نسخة حاشية ابن عابدين ج 1 ص 427-429 أيج أيم سعيد) و إلى (أحسن الفتاوى ج 2 ص 313 أيج أيم سعيد). أحتاج إلى التدقيق في المسألة. هل فهمت صحيحا: لو وقع الصلاة بالميل عن الإتجاه الحقيقي للقبلة، و هذا الميل لا يخرج عن حدود 45 درجة من اليمين - فالصلاة في
هذه الحالة - صحيحة، و إن وقع هذا الميل عمدا؟ و كذلك عندما وقع من اليسار؟ هل فهمت صحيحا؟

Women's Salaah in the Hanafi Mazhab

Q: Woman's prayer in Hanafi madhab, why different than a man? It not even mentioned by the Imaams of the madhab, such as in Kitaab al Asl, Mabsut of Sarakhsi. The Sharh Ashbah of Hamawi must be checked on the verdict of Abu Hanifa that a woman raises her hands upto ears because her hands are not awrah. I read that in a article that this riwayah is even cited mutlaq i.e. the salaah of men and women is same, and it gave as referance Hamawi's Sharh Ashbah.

Here is it to check: http://read.kitabklasik.co.cc/2010/01/ghamz-uyun-al-bashair-syarah-al-a…

Making Dua in Salaah in any other language besides Arabic

Q: If a person is incapable of making du’ā in Arabic during his salāh, may he make du’ā in any other language? I read that if he is able to make du’ā in Arabic, then there exists a difference of opinion in the permissibility of doing so in a different language while in salāh. According to Imām Abū Yūsuf and Imām Muhammad, it is impermissible and the prayer will not be valid.  On the other hand, according to Imām Abū Hanīfah, the prayer will be valid, but it is makrūh (disliked) to do so. Is this true? But the question is what if a person is incapable of making du’ā in Arabic during his salāh? Is it permissible without being makruh?