Nose Job

Q: In Islam can u have a nose job? Like I have a roundish type of nose and I just want it pointy a little bit. And my left nostril is slightly more rounded than the right so I want to go fix it.

Taking pleasure from one's wife while she is asleep


  1. Is it permissible to use one's wife's body to derive sexual satisfaction, whilst she is asleep and therefore unaware?
  2. I derived sexual pleasure in such a manner and thought to myself:

    • What if this is wrong

    • It's unlikely to be wrong and even if Islamically impermissible, who cares as it feels good doing this potentially impermissible act and that's the main thing. Its surely not the same as masturbation and hence I am continuing, which I did. I also thought what else am I supposed to do to satisfy my desires.  Would this be kufr?

Working in the banking/financial services industry and looking for a better job

Q: I just want some advice regarding my predicament and also to request your Duas that Allah takes me out of this situation. I have been working in the banking/financial services industry for the last 11 years and at first did not realise that it was wrong but, in the last 6 years or so have been trying very hard to get out but to no avail. I have applied for many hundreds of jobs and I always make Taubah. I used to contribute in Allah's course but now I am scared to. I want to go for Umrah and Hajj but am worried that I will be sinning by doing so. I try to spend on my family within my capacity but always end up feeling depressed as I know where the money is coming from. What can I do to improve my chances of getting a better source of income?

Wearing a Neck Tie

Q: Please advise me ruling and fatwa regarding wearing of neck tie as per Hadith & Quranic Verses as I am working in Doha / Qatar and my company wants me to wear neck tie when I come to office and I am allergic to wear it as I heard from Ulama it is non-Islamic tradition.

I have been commanded to fight the people until they profess there is no God but Allah

Q: Quite often in contemporary times various platforms on the internet like the one titled Answering Islam point out that islam is an intolerant religion and persecute followers of other faiths. To prove their point very often they use the Hadith: "I have been commanded to fight the people until they profess there is no God but Allah (Bukhari 385)." Can you kindly clarify the proper context and meaning of this hadith. The  negative understanding these anti Islamic forces imply use this particular hadith to good effect to prove their point.