40 Salaah in Musjid Nabawi

Q: I have come across a Hadith in Fazail Haj regarding the virtues of reading 40 Namazes in Musjid Nabawi,one attains freedom from hypocrisy, fire of hell & punishment. (Hadith No 7)

My question regarding this Hadith is:

  1. In order to receive these merits, is it a COMPULSORY CONDITION that these 40 Namazes be read in succession? Or is it just an encouragement? I have intention to first go to Medina for 3 days, go for Umra in between & return to Medina for 5 days!
  2. In order to receive these merits; does a person have to read ALL these Namazes with Takbeer Oola?
  3. Kindly define Takbeer Oola?

Things of Jannah which were used in creating our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)


  1. I heard that Qadi Ayadh R.A has wrote in Muahib that Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam was made from 8 things, the  soil of Madinah Sharif and 7 things from Jannah, could you please mention the 7 things of Jannah which was used in creating our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam?
  2. Was our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallal lahu alaihe wasallam made from the light of Allah Taala?

Firearms & Weapons

Q: Those that promote firearms and guns say that to carry a gun is Sunnat but it is more correct to say that to carry any weapon is Sunnat? Can it also be said that shooting in target practice is an act of reward? Can it also be said that carrying a firearm and making salaat is more rewarding than without a firearm?

Going against one's Promises

Q:  If a person says if Allah cures me I will not miss my salah and I will not listen to music etc.After this person was cured he missed his Salaah and he listened to music. Does he have to pay a different kaffaarah for every oath and can he pay the kaffaarah in cash?