Inheritance Question

Q: My father died 3 years ago, leaving behind a wife(our mother), 4 unmarried daughters, 1 married daughter, 2 brothers, 2 sisters, and his property including money in a bank account & a fixed deposit in the bank and a house.He has not prepared any will. His bank accounts were jointly owned with my mother and he has told my mother and one of my sisters that "the money is to be used equaly for the daughters' marriages".

1) Please explain the how there will be division of property.

Spotting During Ramadhaan

Q: My wife is nursing a 4 months old and she is breastfeeding. She recently put an Intrauterine contraceptive device that has side effects like vaginal spotting and irregular menstrual cycle. She is experiencing some spotting that she thinks it's not her normal period. What should she do concerning fasting, prayers and reading Qur’aan?