Hadith Question

Q: Narrated by 'Abdullah bin Mas'ood (Radiyallahu Anhu) on the authority of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) (On the Day of Judgement) a man will come holding the hand of another man and say: O Lord! It is he who killed me. Allah will say: Why did you kill him? He will say: I killed him so that glory may be established for you. Allah will say: Indeed it. Then another will come taking hold of another fellow's hand and say: It is he who killed me. Allah will ask him: Why did you kill him? He will say: I killed him so that glory may be established for so-and-so person. Allah will say: Indeed glory is not his. (So the killer will bear the sin). 

Please explain!

Covering the head in the state of Ihraam

Q: My question is regarding dam (penalty) at hajj. On a few occasions during ihram I covered my head with a towel but took it off after I realize that this is against the rules of ihram but it was unintentionally. I asked a maulana about this and he said its ok. Also, during sleep I had my head covered with a towel for I don't know how long and when I woke up, I realized that it was on and took it off right away. Once again, this was unintentional, so I asked the maulana again and he said its ok but just give dam just in case.

Being pleased with the decree of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I am in a huge problem. Everything seems impossible. I don't know what to do. I have asked Allah to help me but know I feel that everything is over. I have applied for higher studies. But I didn't get selected. I don't have enough marks. I have been studying very hard for 13 years in school but on the end of the year everything went wrong. My marks was very bad I went from an  A to C and E. And for my higher study I was on a waiting list (I know I have been on that list for 4-5 month) yesterday I sent them an e-Mail and They replied that they will not take more students and in December is the final exam in nutrition. I just need to get selected at get in to nutrition before December. Then everything will be fine but what do I do. It seems impossible. I have faith in Allah that he will not let that happen to me. Please in the name of Allah help me. I need an urgent wazifa to make this possible.

Wazifa for finding lost items

Q: I put my 6 gold bangles in my room. No one came to my house. I don't know where's my bangles gone. I don't know who stole it. I am very worried frem last year and my in laws whole family said I gave it to my parents but I did not. Please give me the best wazifa if someone picked it, he must return it. I am really worried.

Birthday cakes

Q: Is it okay to eat cakes on ones birthday? We do not take pictures or play music on birthdays. We go out to eat and cut cakes when we come home. Is this okay?

Writing a letter to the government stating that one is unmarried

Q: I am living abroad, when I came here I wrote in the papers that I am married in Pakistan and wrote my wife's name also. But now as I am living abroad, I also got married here as well. The trouble arises when I need to apply for citizenship for this country. The trouble is this I need to tell them that my previous marriage is no longer valid. In fact I don't want to break my first marriage. Can I write to them that I am no longer in the first marriage, or if I mention my first wife's name but wrong fathers name so that even though I am doing a bad thing lying but I want to save my first marriage. This foreign country just has her name in the records, no picture no other details.


Q: I saw dream in which my husband has a second wife and ignoring me infront of her. Please tell me its tabeer. Many times in dreams I saw a second lady which suppose to be his second wife.