Husband unable to consummate the marriage

Q: I am a female married 3 months back and me and my husband love each other a lot Masha Allah. He is kind and supporting. We have not been able to consummate our marriage till today because of the condition called vaginismus, of which I came to know on the very first moment we tried to have intercourse. Please give me some wazeefa's and duas and amals that will help us overcome this condition of mine. I am in great distress. Please tell me a solution.

Foregoing Salaah

Q: I am 18 and currently studying in university. During Ramadhaan, I used to pray 5 times a day and would read Qur'an everyday. But ever since Ramadhaan ended, I haven't been praying my Salaah very often. I really want to start praying 5 times a day but I don't know how to start. Every time I think of starting to pray, I become lazy and delay my Salaah. Please tell me what I should do to start praying everyday and come closer to my Deen. I've wasted a lot of time doing useless things rather then praying my Salaah. If I start praying 5 times a day, will Allah Ta'ala forgive me for not praying my past Salaahs?

Dirty water coming on one's clothing

Q: Once I went to the bathroom. I felt a splash of washing water or return splash of water from the toilet seat (Indian style) on my hand. I thought that when I will get up I will clean it. But when I got up, I totally couldn't remember it. I just felt I am missing something. Then I performed wudhu. Then I probably recalled what I was missing. My problem is that my dress was wet before only. So when my hand touched my clothes, is my clothes and wudhu invalid? It was just one small drop of probably dirty water.

Wazifa for safety from all evil

Q: It is stated that my family is facing a bit of problems particularly my mother from last year. Her dress is usually spoiled even if it is new or old it has holes, some scratches and threads missing from particular place of the dress. We are very concerned and need positive and proper guidance in the light of Islam.