Istinja after relieving oneself

Q: When I go to the toilet, I find it hard to wash my hands. I soap them then put them under the tap. Once all the soap is off I think the water on my wrist is impure still so I wash my arm from the elbow to finger tips and I keep doing that and still I have a feeling that my hands are impure even if I've urinated or past stool still I wash my hands like this and I use wet toilet paper 3 times instead of istinja.

Stem cells

Q: I would like to know whether stem cells are allowed in Islam. In this case I would be storing it for my heirs only. Furthermore I would like to know whether a medical aid scheme is allowed. The medical aid portion is only a hospital plan. No insurance. Please advise whether the above is allowed and if not please comment in detail why not.

Domestic maid who is absent for two months

Q: I have a part time maid working at my house. I have fixed a monthly salary with her agreement. I don't cut her pay if she takes off if she is sick or if I don't call her for a day or two. But if she travels for 2 months to meet her family, am I obliged to pay her for those months or not, we don't have any contract and she travels on her own expenses. Are there any other rules of shariah related to part time help that we should know of? She attends to three different homes daily.