Performing only 8 rakaats taraweeh in a musjid nearby

Q: My question is that my father cannot pray 20 rakaats taraweeh in mosque nearby because its too quick and have to travel by car. He likes to pray in a mosque next to our house which performs 8 rakaats. I have a problem because prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and him companions prayed 20. I want to go to the other mosque so my dad then takes me in his car but he has problems. So what should I do? Leave the 20 rakaats taraweeh or just force my dad to take me or do something else?

Difference between zakaah, fitrah and sadaqah

Q: I am listening to a lecture here at work and just determined or realised that there is a difference between zakaat, fitrah and sadaqah and I realised that I don't think I pay zakat? I feel so ashamed now as I was so ignorant to this and I would like to rectify this immediately. I tried to Google zakaat now but its a bit confusing. So if I may, can Mufti explain to me the difference between the 3 and how do I calculate zakaat and when I must pay it. Your guidance and assistance is greatly appreciated.

Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I was 11 and half weeks pregnant and started brownish spotting. I went to the gynae who couldn't find a heartbeat (they refer to it as a missed miscarriage as I had no symptoms of a miscarriage). Few hours later I had a heavy flow and the next morning went in for a d&c (scraping of the womb) please advise if this is istihaaza?