Method of sajdah

Q: When I make sajdah, I am not satisfied and I push my head too hard. I want to know the correct way of making sajda. How much pressure is requried? Where exactly should the floor touch the nose and forehead? Anywhere or some precise position is required?

Cleansing oneself before Salaah

Q: I am a student and I have my college where my entire day passes away. So I have to offer salaah in my college. But at times I have white discharges and my college washrooms are not very clean and easy for me to use. So if I don't wash myself and simply make wudhu will my prayers be valid? As I have to offer 3 times prayer in college that is zohr asr and maghrib. Please advise.

Spending on one's family on the 10th of Muharram

Q: In the Hadith theres is mention to the nearest meaning a person who spends on one's family on the 10th Muharram he will get blessings in sustenance for the whole year. My question is 10th Muharram is on Thursday, is it okay to spend on the family on Wednesday evening to get the virtue and blessings of spending on ones family, because 10th Muharram starts after maghrib on Wednesday till maghrib on Thursday?

Stray thoughts

Q: I have very bad thoughts all the time, even while making wudu and performing Salaah which I am feeling very shameful to tell. I am married but my thoughts are very bad and it is effecting my concentration on my work and it is also effecting my performance. Please advise me what to do and what to read?

Performing qadha Salaah from the time one became baaligh

Q: When I was young and ignorant, I used to have bad habits. Two of these included masturbation as well as neglect of salaah. Nevertheless, Alhamdulillah, with the Hidayat of Allah I have mended my ways. My question is, I want to make up for the missed Salaah. Should I start making up from when I was 15, or from when I was 12 when I ejaculated? I am not sure when my ejaculations were clear and when it started becoming milky in appearance.