Intercourse in the bathroom

Q: I was shocked after reading this fatwa from a whabbi site, can you please validate and answer this question:

Is it permissible for a man to have intercourse with his wife without a cover? Is it permissible to have intercourse in the bathroom? 

Praise be to Allaah.  

Yes, it is permissible for a man to have intercourse with his wife without a cover, and it is also permissible to have intercourse in the bathroom, but that means that he will be going against the Sunnah by not mentioning Allaah beforehand. Perhaps you know that the Sunnah, when a man wants to have intercourse with his wife, is to say, “Bismillaah, Allaahumma jannibna al-Shaytaana wa jannib al-Shaytaana ma razaqtana (In the name of Allaah, O Allaah, keep the Shaytaan away from us and keep the Shaytaan away from that with which You may bless us).” Perhaps you also know that it is not right to mention the name of Allaah in places where you relieve yourself, so how can the one who has intercourse in the bathroom recite this dhikr? Unless he is going to go out, recite this dhikr and then go back in.

I remember reading some masla or a hadith that its discourage to spend unnecessary time in the bathroom / toilets.

Am I responsible for a girl I used to chat to becoming an Atheist

Q: I met a reverted Muslim girl and we planned for the marriage, than through online chat we got very close since we were to get married and shared some explicit pictures. Suddenly in her family her father died  from cancer and in few days her sister was also diagnosed from cancer. Now that girl become atheist. She now saying she don't believe in Allah and started living with a man now as a couple without marrying. I wanted to know whether I am also held responsible for turning her into an atheist by chatting explicitly and making her Imaan weak? Am I  responsible for making her Imaan weak? Am I answerable for her losing her believe in Allah? please answer to me as it has taken my peace of mind.

الأحاديث الصحيحة في فضائل مساعدة المسلمين بقضاء حاجاتهم

س: أريد منكم الحصول على عدة أحاديث صحيحة أو حسنة في فضائل مساعدة المسلمين بقضاء حاجاتهم أو حل مشكلاتهم و غيرهما من أنواع المناصرة و المساعدة.