Zakaat on One's House

Q: We have Alhamdullillah two houses. One we are using to live and the other we are receiving rent from it and also my father's shop is there in this should we pay zakaat on it?  As far as I know there is no zakaat on the house we are living in. Please provide me with the details.

Nikaah in accordance to the Sunnah

Q: I am soon to be married, insha-Allah. I want to know how to perform the wedding in accordance to the sunnah.

  1. What is the sunnah mahr and the amount in South African Rands?

  2. What is the Shar'ee status of having a wedding and calling people?

  3. When is the sunnat time for having the walimah? Does khalwah (in referance to the walimah) refer to seclusion only or does one have to have intercourse?