Bleeding gums

Q: I very recently had my wisdom teeth removed, and will have another one removed in the next few weeks. After my tooth was surgically removed, it bled continuously for hours (after such procedures, there is continuous bleeding expect for 24-48 hours). Now, I know it is not permissible to swallow blood, however I cannot continuously rinse my mouth, in fact rinsing and spitting to harshly after such surgery can lead to dry sockets which are very painful. I also find it very difficult not to swallow for such a long time (it seems practically impossible for me). What should I do about the blood in this situation? (Note that this is not a small amount of blood). Also, so far I have been praying by having a good supply of tissue in my hand or on the ground next to me and spitting the blood out onto those as I pray. Is this acceptable? Lastly, how do I eat in this situation (when whatever I eat will no doubt mix with the blood in my mouth)? Thank you so much for your help. May Allah bless you.

Running away without settling one's debts

Q: I am living in a GCC country for the past 20 years. I didnt have enough understanding with ribaa and was having bank loans and credit cards. In early 2008 I performed hajj and made alot of tobah with ribaa and after that I had chances but didnt take it anymore. Later my business got collapsed I got bankrupt and I couldnt repay bank loans. Since that time i owe banks money And my full intention was to repay the money somehow but I got total loss and now I am just jobless for around 2 years now in dire constraints completely. I want to ask you that if I leave the country without paying back the loans what I have trying hardest for the last 7/8 years...and there is no way to return and I am getting worse situation. Will I be held responsible or is it gonna be sin if I leave without paying as per my financial situation.

Confusion regarding divorce

Q: I just wanted some advice on divorce. My husband gave me my first talaq before but we got back together n then second time he left. I cant remember if he said it or not but came back with my uncle because we wanted to be together n 2 weeks ago we had a fight and he messaged me few days later saying I divorce u in a text message so wanted 2 know can we get back together if the other talaqs count because we got bk together during our ibadah because we love each other and want to be together can you please let me know thanks salam

Marital problems

Q: Im a married 22 year old girl. I recently got married in March, and only did the nikkah. (No ruksati). My husband was supposed to apply for my USA immigration however, he told me that due to some paper work he will not be able to apply before our official ruksati which was in January 2018. After which it would have me wait for another 12 months to get the visa and unite with him. The miscalculation was on part of my in-laws as they did not research about the immigration laws before coming for nikkah.

Long story short, me and my husband started to have fights over the phone on minor issues which meant nothing to me, he insisted I lose weight for him and fought me tirelessly to hit the gym, then he fought me over the fact that he needed a working woman. Note that this was not a requirement before nikkah. He got fed up of me and started to hate me calling him often. I was really upset about my immigrartion as I had to wait long to unite with him. I insisted that he came to meet me and get ruksati done sooner which he declined. He fought with me on the fact that i demanded his time, and cried when i asked him to sleep 10 minutes later. He fought me to leave him alone when he was angry with me, but i used to keep begging him for forgiveness and for him to be fine with me.

I only really missed him and was quite sad that my reunion with my husband was so far away even though before Nikkah my in-laws told me that after january i would be going to USA with him. Shortly during the fights, my husbands father intervened and emailed my dad that I have been irritating my husband and giving him a tough time. his father exclaimed that the children have major issues between them, however he also stated that he cannot find the real big reason for the fights. (as they mainly revolved around me asking for his time and attention) However, once my husband yelled at me for no reason and called his father and told him he is unhappy with me. (the reason he called was because I asked my husband repeatedly if he was doing okay as he was upset because he had a bad day at work) After that call, my hsubands father sent en email to my father asking for divorce and said that this is his final decision and he thinks our personalities dont match and that after ruksati we will most likely be unhappy. upon confronting my husband he was still confused about leaving me or not.

He took 3 weeks to decide and kept telling me we will be unhappy. i begged him to not leave me as i love him and all couples fight due to time issues as we had 13 hour time gap. I told him i only asked for his time as he was at work or with friends and unable to call me or text me for the whole of day. HE told me that i annoyed the hell out of him and that he asked me for space but did not give him. Now its too late to do so. I begged and begged, and I asked that he meets me in my country before doing it, he denied everything. he also isnt giving me the talaaq on the phone.

My question to you is , am i at fault? is this reason suffiecient before Allah to divorce me? I asked him to reconcile so many times and i told him i wont bug him as much. do you think he is hurting me? I told him that for Allah's sake reconcile with me as Allah does not like divorce on small issues, he told me that he wont stay with me for Allah. please tell is he on the wrong? or can he divorce me for any reason and Allah will forgive it?


Q: I have a question pertaining to inheritance. My father has no sons, no living parents, a living wife and living three daughters. What is the distribution? In addition, does my father's one living brother or 6 living sisters inherit as well?