Factors that break and don't break the fast

Unintentionally inhaling dust while fasting

Q: My question is related to the validity of the fast. 

While doing my Kaffarah, I was cleaning my home and dusting off some shelves on the 58th day out of 60 days. Some dust flew in the air and I inhaled it. I looked the issue up in Maraqi al-Falah and it said in the chapter of that which does not invalidate the fast, "dust or smoke alongside smoke from wood or incense entering one’s throat without one’s doing". 

Here, it is mentioned, that smoke and dust which is inhaled by ones own doing will invalidate the fast. Does the aspect of causing it oneself only apply to smoke or does it apply to dust, too? 

Is the scenario I described classed as deliberately causing it myself? Do I have to restart my Kaffarah because of the fast becoming invalide or is the fast still valid?

Waking up with some blood in one's mouth while fasting

Q: In Ramadhaan, when I wake up in the morning after sehri and performing fajar (for example 10 am). I always have a blood and it's taste in my mouth and I'm sure that it must have entered in my throat. What should I do for this because this is something impossible for me to control. And if this breaks fast then it means I have to repeat all my fasts. This problem is continuous with me. I cannot even make up previous fasts.