sighting of the moon

Sighting of the moon

Q: Why different scholars of India are of the opinion that the moon is not sighted in our country (India) when Saudia and many Islamic countries declare that the moon has been sighted for the celebration of eid. Moreover, some scholars of India celebrate eid upon announcement from Saudia? Is it a good practice?

Following the moon sighting of one's area

Q: Every year there come witnesses from people that they have seen the moon but the hilal committee dont take witnesses and says we can fast only if they will see moon. So as the system of moon sighting is not correct and also some people in society fast with nearby country. I live in Pakistan and people fast with Saudi Arabia. So can I fast with nearby country that is Saudi or any other country?

Moon sighting

Q: How this moon sighting thing works in different countries? Why eid is celebrated on different days by different people of country? The Hadith says not to fast on the day of eid.. Please clarify.

Global moon sighting

Q: It is with great pain in my heart that I message you. After the passing of a very big Alim, Moulana Khalil Sufi rahmatullahi alayh, the Ulama in the city of Toronto are trying to get everyone on board with global moon sighting. Is their any validty to what they say and is this a valid difference of opinion?

Sighting the moon with a telescope


1) Kindly explain why Shari'at would allow the aid of spectacles to sight the moon but not the aid of a stronger medium like a pair of binoculars?

2) Kindly explain why the sighting of the moon from the Mount Everest at 8.8 km above sea level would be acceptable but not from an aircraft flying at a lower altitude of 5 km above sea level?