Factors that break and don't break the fast

Inhaling steam

Q: My query is in regards to fasting. From what I understand, the inhaling of steam breaks ones fast, unless it is mistakenly. Please correct me if I am wrong. My issue is, is that when one is cooking, it is inevitable that steam is inhaled. I'm not going and sniffing the food, but the steam rises up. In this case, Do I need to cover my face and nose whilst cooking? Doing so is very difficult. Also, when opening the freezer, a whole lot of steam comes out when the door is opened. Again, I'm not going and deliberately inhaling it, but it's fairly inevitable that the steam is inhaled. What do I do in these cases? Also, if I wish to spray on deodorant whilst fasting, is covering my face and turning my head in the opposite direction sufficient so that my fast does not break?​

Swallowing while fasting


1. I regurgitated and I tried coughing it out but even though it felt like a lot of regurgiation, it was difficult to expel, so only some of it came past my throat. Due to the difficulty, I swallowed. Is my fast valid?

2. Also, there are times where I regurgiate and feel the contents at the top of my throat or past it, however i’m not completely sure if it can be expelled or not and i’m afraid if I cough to test if it will come out, i’ll end up essentially forcing it to come out and vomiting. So I usually just swallow it. Is this fine? I regurgiate quite frequently so this brings me trouble.