
Waking up crying at night

Q: My sister is 5 years old and she is a normal girl. At night when she sleeps after reciting 3 qul's and aitalkursi she wakes up at 2 am and starts crying and she is repeatedly saying allah hu akbar bismillah al rahman al rahim and after 10 to 15 minutes she gets normal again and goes back to sleep being exhausted and once she gets up she don't remember what all happend. This is happening with her from past one month.

Making tawbah and crying over one's sins

Q: I am very sinful. Repeatedly I make tauba but I break it all the time by repeating my sins. My questions are as follows:

1. Should I stop doing good Amaal like coming out in Jamaat or sitting in the front saff of the Musjid?

2. When giving Bayaans in Jamaat, I feel hypocritical. Should I stop giving these bayaans?

3. Should I stop travelling to holy places because I am filthy with sins?

Crying in Salaah

Q: My father passed away 20 days ago. Alhamdollilah Allah Ta'ala gave me a lot of saber and I did not cry in front of anyone. But every time I pray namaz I just automatically cry. I don't know why this happens. I try so hard to control myself because I am scared that shaitan maybe making me cry. Is it ok to cry in namaaz?

Crying in a dream

Q: I did istikhara for marriage and I had a dream which I don't understand. Can you please explain this dream to me. In my dream I saw the person I was doing istikhara for he comes over to my house but its not my house. In the dream its a house I have never seen before and my uncle is there who is the oldest from everyone and the person I did istikhara for was crying and one of my cousins tell him not to cry but at the same time I was smiling in my dream. I really don't understand it. Can you please help.