Various masaail of fasting

19 hour fast

Q: We live in a small northern town in Canada . We are fasting for 19 hours a day. This is causing undue hardship on us as the long days during summer are combined with a lack of sleep. Esha is at 12pm. We are concerned about dehydration and experience extreme exhaustion . Is there a fatwa which exempts such long hours of Fasting? Could we follow the fasting hours of Mecca?

Taking sublingual tablets to quit drugs

Q: I would like to ask a question regarding Fasting (Sawm) and taking a sublingual tablets to quit drugs. The question is as follows:

May I fast if I take a sublingual tablet in the morning after suhur? The sublingual tablets name is Subutex 2mg it reduces cravings for opium
users. I would really like to fast. I would just like to know if is permissible for me for I only need to take this tablet for 7 consecutive days.