Calculating zakaat

Zakaat on shares

Q: How do I pay zakaat on shares of my company in the JSE. Some are in property, some in merchandise stores like Shoprite, some in gas and oil. The shares are worth a lot but dividends are less.

Zakaat on loans

Q: As an employee, I am facilitated to take 3 types of loan from my employer.

Loan type 01:

This loan is termed as 'Salary Advance'. In case of emergency, the employee can take a loan from the employer to a maximum of 6 times his basic salary. The lent amount will be deducted from the monthly salary in 12 installments. If the employee leaves the job before the settlement of the loan, then the left amount will be deducted from the gratuity scheme, provident fund, etc.

Loan type 02:

This loan is termed as 'Investment loan'. The employee will receive an amount every year on 1st of June from the employer/company to invest in some particular investment schemes to get tax rebate on yearly income received from the company. The lent amount will be deducted from the monthly salary in 12 installments. If the employee leaves the job before the settlement of the loan, then the left amount will be deducted from the gratuity scheme, provident fund, etc.

Loan type 03:

The employee can take a loan from the compulsory provident fund. The lent amount will have to be adjusted as per agreement with the company. If the employee leaves the job before the settlement of the loan, then the left amount will be deducted from the gratuity scheme, provident fund, etc.

My question is, with a view to calculating zakaat of these loans, how will the lent amounts be considered? Whether assets, liability or amaanat?

When should one calculate zakaat?

Q: I sold my business including the stock before year and invested that money in another business right after selling. Do I have to calculate my zakat year since I have started my first business or from the date when I started my 2nd business? I am in doubt because money which I have invested is from my first business.

Paying zakaat on behalf of one's wife

Q: One year ago I got married. My wife was gifted with gold from her parents and my parents too. The gold qualifies the "nisab" amount. She is a domestic wife. First I planned to pay zakaat on the the gold in a lumpsum after one year. But being a salaried person I could not do it as per my planning. Now I intend to pay a certain portion of zakaat from my salary each month. Please guide me on how should I calculate zakaat. For example on completion of the first year, the rate of gold was different from now.

Calculating zakaat

Q: I wrote my gate exam. If I get qualified or get a rank then I will get a monthly stipend for my, around 12 500. Do I have to pay zakaat on that money?

If yes, then tell me the procedure. I mean is it compulsory on me to search for a needy person and give him or can I give it to anyone? Can it be added to an investment for the welfare of people/community by saving for public requirements in villages like for well, hospitals etc.?