Calculating zakaat

Paying zakaat on behalf of one's deceased father


1. I want to ask about the obligatory charity (zakat). There are some things which I want to know about rules of zakat. First of all I want to know rules about paying zakat on inherited wealth. My father died and the money in his account was given to me after 7 months. My father died in 8th month of Islamic calender. He used to give zakat in Ramadan. Maybe the time was complete for giving zakat ( i do not know for sure) but he died before that. So the question is that was I supposed to pay on his behalf or not. If not then when should i pay zakat. Should I calculate day from that one on which he died or the one which i received money from bank 7 months later.

2. Also the money in bank is of two kinds. One is that which me and my father saved. The other is not ours. It is security deposit of the shop keeper and the person who lives at rent in our house. Some of the shop keepers have been here for 20 or 25 years. So am I supposed to pay zakat including the deposit or just the one we saved.

Calculating zakaat

Q: I earn a salary upto 40,000 rupees per month. Sometimes I save the complete salary and sometimes I give part of my salary (20,000 to 30,000) to my family for their shop. Currently I have 60,000 rupees in the bank and I have been working since last year, is zakaat waajid upon me? If yes, how do I calculate the zakaat?

Using the nisaab of silver when calculating zakaat

Q: How to calculate the nisab of Zakaat in money? Should we take into consideration the nisab of silver or the nisab of gold? For information, in France, the price of one gram of silver was 0.63 euros in that month, and the price of gold was 40.15 euros. If one takes the nisab of silver to caluclate the nisab of goods in money, the amount is small. Would it be permissible to take into consideration the nisab of gold in this case presented? If it's possible, what would be the amount of nisab?

Retirement fund

Q: Our company has taken out a Sharia Compliant Retirement Annuity for the staff. The company pays the full contribution and it is included as a benefit on our annual salary. Staff have a choice of also contributing extra to this RA , some contribute an extra 3% to 6% of their salary to the RA voluntarily. I do not contribute anything extra towards this. (from next year it is going to be compulsory for everyone to contribute extra from their salaries) The rules of the RA are , if I leave the company I can cash out the RA but will only receive 60% of its value because 40% will go as taxes. Or I can reinvest the whole amount. Please advise if I have to pay zakaat on the value of this RA?

Zakaat on the sale of a property

Q: I sold a plot of land in March 2016 and paid Zakat @2.5% of the total sale. From the sale proceeds I purchased another property in August 2016. As per the sale agreement, a down payment was made and the balance amount would be paid in July 2017. My question is that do I have to pay zakaat on this amount also?

Discharging zakaat for previous years

Q: Until recently I thought I did not have to give zakat because I was under the assumption there was only one nisab, the nisab for gold, and I have never owned more than the nisab for gold. However now I am aware that there is a nisab for silver, and that this should be used when calculating zakat. Since I haven't paid zakat until now, I would like to start calculating my zakat for the previous years as well as for this year however I have some questions as I haven't calculated zakat before:

1) Do I estimate how much zakatable assets I have at the END of each zakat year and then pay 2.5% of that in zakat?

2) The nisab value constantly changes, for example at the moment the nisab for is around £294, but previous years it was different. So when determining if I own above the nisab in previous years and am therefore eligible for paying zakat, since I don't know what the nisab was in those years should I use the current nisab when calculating for previous years?

3) Since I did not know I had to pay zakat, I also have not taken part in qurbani (udhiya). How should I go about calculating how much I owe for this?

4) Can I pay my zakat through an islamic charitable organisation, such as MuslimAid, IslamicRelief, etc?

Forgive me for the long question, but I want to make sure i'm paying zakat correctly, especially as I had been ignorant of it for many years. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make it easy for us to fulfil our religious obligations.