cutting hair

Guidelines regarding Male Haircuts

Q: I know that it is not permissible for women to cut or trim their hair. However, I wish to enquire about male haircuts. Is it permissible for a barber to cut males’ hair in uneven lengths? I was informed that it is permissible for males to cut their hair in uneven lengths and it does not enter under the prohibition of qaza’ mentioned in the Hadith. Can you explain to me the laws of Shari’ah that relate to cutting the hair?

Men removing body hair


1. Is it permissable for males to remove hair on the following body parts: the chest, feet, hands and forearms, and legs.

2. While making masah of a zulfar in wudhu, is it permissible to groom the hair, e.g wetting it and grooming it in such a way where one ensures that it is neat.