vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge


1. What is the ruling if a woman has vaginal discharge every now and then, does she have to break her salaah and make wudu again?

2. Can she recite the Quran?

3. Does she have to change her clothes?

4. Please make dua that I can read my fajar salah daily. I am trying hard but I cannot wake up for fajar. Please make dua and tell me a way that I never miss my salah.

Vaginal discharge

Q: If a thick material (ratoobat) of white colour is released at an irregular intervals from the woman's vagina and on drying leaves a light brown brown spot. Does its release break wudu or not?

Does it make clothes napaak?

Is it istihaza? Because it is after haidh and after release of light Brown thick material which lasts for 9 or 10 or more days after haidh.

If thick material (ratoobat) of light brown colour is released at irregular intervals from woman's vagina after the 10 days of haidh and also leaves coloured spot on drying, is it istihaza or not?

It breaks wudu or not?

It makes clothes napaak or not?

After istihaza taking ghusul(bath) is compulsory or not?

Vaginal discharge

Q: Do girls have to perform wudhu or shower after vaginal discharge? This white colored emission has been happening before puberty. My Umm says she's not sure in this case but it is better to perform wudhu. I do know that we have to do ghusal after periods but the white discharge emits at irregular times regularly--sometimes even when in the middle of the salaah.

Laws pertaining to a ma'zoor

Q: I am suffering from vaginal discharge which is quite random and taking medicine for it. During a day, sometimes I have it every 2,3, or 5 minutes, and at other times, after 2-3 hours. Many times it happens that I perform wadu, stand on the musallah to perform salaah and during salaah I feel the discharge. Since I am performing qadha salaah as well, sometimes it takes 25 minutes for me to remain on the musallah. But due to this discharge, I don't know what to do as wudhu breaks. Please guide.

Wet dream

Q: If l remember a wet dream and find wetness but wetness is not mani or mazi but this wetness is vaginal discharge and sweat, so ghusal is compulsory?

Experiencing a discharge due to sexual thoughts

Q: I was at friends house and some of her guests were saying inappropriate (sexual) things and I was trying not to listen but when I did, I got weird feeling in my private area and like something should be put up in the area (private area) but I didn't. I just sat there till the feeling left and when I came home, I went to the washroom and I had a bit more discharge than usual like it was kind of a lot. Should I do ghusul?