Shaafi imaam not making sajdah sahw
Q: If I am performing salaah as a Hanafi behind a Shaafi and he makes an error by forgetting the first tashahud in Asr Salaah, what is the right way of making sajdah sahw or should the salaah be repeated?
Q: If I am performing salaah as a Hanafi behind a Shaafi and he makes an error by forgetting the first tashahud in Asr Salaah, what is the right way of making sajdah sahw or should the salaah be repeated?
Q: If a Hanafi performs salaah behind a shaafi imaam, and the shaafi imaam recites the aayat of sajdah on the last page of surah hajj (which is an aayat of sajdah according to the shaafis and not the hanafis), then the shaafi imaam goes into sajdah and the Hanafi muqtadi follows him in sajdah, then what is the status of the hanafi muqtadi’s salaah? Is his salaah valid or does he have to repeat his salaah?
Q: When the Shaafiee Imaam is not here, the musallis ask me to lead the Fajr Salaah. Since I'm a Hanafi, will it be appropriate for me to read qunoot with the niyyah of qunoot e naazila so as not to create confusion. It is a Shafiee masjid and many people are ignorant about these fiqhi ikhtilaafs.
I remember once a Hanafi Imaam led the Fajr Salaah and he did not read qunoot. After salaah there was a commotion and people started talking to one another that qunoot was not read. Please guide me what to do.
Q: I am living in Saudi Arabia and I am a Hanafi. Somebody told me that my prayers behind the Saudi Imams are void because of difference of wuzoo, because of their small beards (not one fist as required), because of the salaah timing, because they are shafi or hambali or wahabi. So they insist that I repeat all my 8 years of prayers. What is the fatwa?
Q: Can a hanafi follow the witr in makkah/madinah?
Q: If an imaam is a shafi and leads a hanafi community during the year in salaah. What should be done in Ramadan for salaah of witr. If he reads according to shafi mazhab, what happens to those that he is leading who are hanafi? Or should he lead the salaah according the hanafi mazhab?
Q: Some Asians don't perform namaz behind the imams of the Haram, they perform namaz separately and they say that the namaz behind the imam of the Haram is unacceptable. Can you please clarify this matter?
Q: Ahl as Salaf, who dont follow Taqleed, consider saying رب اغفرلى while sitting between two sujud in Salah as waajib. They also consider 9 Arkaan in salaah, although Hanafi maslak considers 4. What is the ruling for praying behind them?
Q: Is it permissible for a Hanafi Imaam to recite Bissmillah aloud during his Salaah?
Q: How will a Hanafi muqtadi follow a shaafi or hambali etc in their witr salaah?