
Paying a persons hospital bill with zakaat money

Q: I use to pay zakat to a mustahiq (one worthy of accepting zakat). During Ramadan, he had a heart attack and was admitted to hospital. He could not pay the bill. Neighbours collected funds to pay the hospital on his behalf. I also contributed to that fund through my zakat money. On getting discharged from hospital, he thanked me for my contribution. Is my zakat paid this way?

Working as an interpreter

Q: I work as an interpreter in hospitals in Delhi. Foreigners come for treatment and the hospitals give me some percent of investigation that patients have done for treatment. I asked several people who have the responsibility for marketing about additional charges when a patient comes through an interpreter. They all answered that the fee is the same when they come directly. Is it halal for me or not, if not please explain halal ways of earning as an interpreter?

Using money that was set aside for zakaat

Q: A man who owns a house and two cars, after a full lunar year he has taken out zakaat and put it aside to give out. However he falls ill and needs an immediate treatment. He goes to a private hospital but only has a certain amount of cash in the bank to pay the bill. He has no other immediate source of cash. Can he use that money which he set aside for zakaat or does he have to sell his house or car and use that money?

Imposing an impermissible fee

Q: Our pathology lab offered our services to a certain hospital. The hospital told our lab that many other labs also offered their services to them. They said that if we want, they will choose our lab and give us all their contracts, on condition that since they are giving us the business, our lab should pay them a stipulated fee as a token of appreciation. Is it permissible for our lab to pay the hospital this stipulated fee?