
Ignorant person saying that istikhaara can mislead one

Q: What if a person says these kind of words "istakhara is for world and we should follow our brain. We should not do istakhara, we do not need istakhara. People do it to cheat others." Actually I did istakhara and a man said these words to change my decision. My mom and I got the same answer, but I said to him that it is Sunah to do istakhara. He still did not believe it to be right, although he said I am making decisions using istakhara. And istakhara misleads you. Can that person be called a munaafiq? He was told that it is Sunnah.

Marital problems

Q: I am asking this question for my aunt. My husband says that my father passed away when he was young because of my ghuna's. The reason being that he doesn't get along with me. My husband and his family are continuously abrupt and still expect me to do everything for them. My husband has issued me with two talaaqs and threatens me with a third for every difference between us in front of my children and their spouses and my grand children. The reason he does not go through with it is because we are married in community of property and he is afraid to lose the properties that have my name on them. He asks for my consent to sell the properties that have both our names on the deeds. I also have contributed to these properties financially and completed the deals on these houses. He then takes all the cash quietly from the sales and purchases homes for our unmarried daughters without my knowledge. We are living separately at the moment, he with our daughters and I am alone. We also live in different cities. The main reason for this query is that it really hurts me that he says I lost my father due to my ghuna’s. I’ve looked after his mother the best I could but she never appreciated it and told my husband I never did anything for her. Please advise me if his statements are true.